5 Reasons Sunless Tanning is Safer than a Sun-Tan

5 Reasons Sunless Tanning is Safer than a Sun-Tan

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and the team at Golden glo have rounded up 5 reasons we believe sunless tanning is a much better option than a regular sun-tan. There are plenty more reasons to protect your skin, but these are our favorites that we can count on one hand. ;)  Keep calm, read on, protect your skin, and never stop glo-ing!

  • You’re avoiding sun damage from harmful UVA/UVB rays, period!

Did you know that (according to EPA.gov) UVB rays cause sunburns, skin cancer, skin aging, and snow blindness (a sunburn to your cornea that causes a temporary loss of vision) and can lower your body's ability to fight illness? On that note, we’re staying in the shade, thank you!

  • Your tan will be more even.

No matter how hard we try to let the sun’s rays do their natural work, one side always ends up darker than the other. Let’s forget about any intricate bikini straps, completely. And last but not least, those awkward sandal tans. With a sunless tan, not only do you have the option of wearing a swimsuit during the spray tanning process so that you have the appearance of tan lines, you can also go nude in order to ensure your glo is completely even throughout and you have no tan lines at all. Needless to say, it’s good to have options. 

  • Sunless tanning is anti-aging.

Your spray tan artist will have the option to mix in tanning upgrades such as collagen and even an anti-cellulite blend that will help your skin wind back the clock.

In addition, all Golden glo tans are not only organic, they are infused with Vitamins E, A and C.

Vitamin A helps keep the immune system strong by protecting skin and mucous membranes that line the nose, sinuses, and mouth. Vitamin B helps your skin combat hyperpigmentation and breakouts, it also helps soften the skin which reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin C is an incredible anti-inflammatory antioxidant known to improve skin tone and texture, hydrate the skin, and reduce signs of aging.

  • A spray tan hydrates your skin.

Bebodywise.com states that, “Out of the three kinds of Omega 3 for skin- EDA, DHA, and ALA, studies reveal that the best one for skin care is DHA. It promotes skincare by keeping the skin cells hydrated and treating dry skin and inflammation conditions.”  

  • Your tan will contour perfectly to your figure.

Do you have an upcoming vacation or important photoshoot where you need to appear extra fit? Ask your Golden glo artist about our Contour Upgrade. Not only do we have the ability to enhance the abdominal and leg areas, our expertly trained artists will leave you looking naturally chiseled and gloing.


Are you ready to experience your custom organic sunless tan in Beverly Hills?

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